Body Parsers

This document describes Boltzmann's request body parsing functionality. Boltzmann provides built-in parsing for JSON and urlencoded request bodies out of the box.

If you need to handle other content types (for example, text/plain or multipart/form-data), you will want to write and install a custom body parser.

# Builtin Body Parsers

# json

Added in 0.0.0.

The json body parser parses json request bodies, identified by the Content-Type request header. Any request with a Content-Type which does not satisfy application/json will be skipped.

Examples of content types which will be parsed:

# urlEncoded

Added in 0.0.0.

The urlEncoded body parser parses urlencoded request bodies, identified by the Content-Type request header. Any request with a Content-Type which does not satisfy application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be skipped.

Examples of content types which will be parsed: