Request Handlers and Routing

Request handlers are a fundamental building block of Boltzmann applications. They are functions which you provide to Boltzmann to handle incoming HTTP requests.

This document will cover how to write handler functions, how to control request routing, how handler responses are interpreted, and how to control these behaviors using attributes on your exported functions.

# What is a Request Handler?

A request handler is any function exported from handlers.js (or handlers/index.js) that has a .route property. A request handler is called with a Context object when an incoming HTTP request matches against its .route attribute.

A TypeScript definition of the types involved is included below. Don't worry if you're not comfortable reading this syntax! We'll cover each of the types below in natural language in this document.

class Context {
  // Contents covered in reference doc.

const HEADERS = Symbol.for('headers')
const STATUS = Symbol.for('status')

type UserResponse      = {[STATUS]?: number, [HEADERS]?: {[key: string]: string}} & 
                         (string | AsyncIterable<Buffer | string> | Buffer | Object);
type Handler           = {
  route?: String,
  method?: String,
  version?: String,
  middleware?: Array<Function | [Function, any...]>
} & (context: Context, ...args: any[]) => UserResponse | Promise<UserResponse>;

# Context

When Boltzmann receives an HTTP request, it wraps the Node.JS request and response objects in a Context instance. The Context object provides useful information about the request:

In short, it contains all relevant information about the current request.

Additionally, it is intended for extension: you are expected to attach your own clients to the Context using middleware, which we'll cover in the next chapter.

For more on the specific properties of the Context object, see the reference documentation.

Request handlers are responsible for mapping incoming request Context to desired response data. But how does Boltzmann know which handler to call for a given HTTP request?

# Routing

Your exported handlers are mounted to an internal-to-Boltzmann find-my-way router based on their .route attribute:

// handlers.js

module.exports = {

greeting.route = 'GET /hello'
function greeting (context) {
  return `hello world!`

This handler will fire whenever the server receives a GET request for /hello, and it will return the plain text string hello world!

The router is capable of matching against provided parameters, as well. For example, to handle requests like GET /hello/world or GET /hello/mars with a single handler, you might write something like the following.

// handlers.js

module.exports = {

greeting.route = 'GET /hello/:subject'
function greeting (context) {
  return `hello ${context.params.subject}!`

The portion of the path that matched :subject will be available as context.params.subject.

find-my-way supports many different parameter behaviors:

find-my-way has excellent documentation.

# Handling multiple methods with a single handler

If you wish to install a handler for multiple methods, you can split the route definition like so:

greeting.method = ['GET', 'POST']
greeting.route = '/hello/:subject'
function greeting (context) {
  return `hello ${context.params.subject}!`

.route = 'GET /foo' is shorthand for .route = '/foo'; .method = ['GET'];.

# Handling different versions of the same route

Over the course of time, your application might update the functionality of a given handler. In order to support both the old behavior and the new behavior, you can version your APIs using the .version attribute:

LOUD_GREETING.route = 'GET /hello/:subject'
LOUD_GREETING.version = '2.0.0'
function LOUD_GREETING (context) {
  return `hello ${context.params.subject}!`.toUpperCase()

greeting.route = 'GET /hello/:subject'
function greeting (context) {
  return `hello ${context.params.subject}!`

Boltzmann will examine the incoming Accept-Version request header in order to determine which handler to dispatch the request to. Clients may specify the header in semver format. For example, you might have handlers for versions 1.0.0, 1.2.0, and 2.0.0. A client could then request 1.x, ^1.2.0, or 2.0.0 and expect to be routed to the appropriate version.

For more information on route versioning, see the find-my-way docs on versioning.

# Responses

As we stated before, handlers are responsible for mapping your internal application semantics -- the types and error codes your business logic is implemented in terms of -- into HTTP semantics. Boltzmann is here to lend a helping hand by providing useful defaults for common JavaScript control flow semantics and types.

By default, returning a value from a handler will create a HTTP 200 OK response. If your handler returns undefined, Boltzmann will generate a 204 No Content response. If your handler throws an error, Boltzmann will map that to a 500 Internal Server Error response by default.

All of this behavior can be configured using global Symbols. Boltzmann respects the following symbols on any returned or thrown value:

Beyond control flow mapping, Boltzmann casts different return types into HTTP response bodies with appropriate headers:

You may use Object.assign to decorate your responses with this metadata, or provide your own classes:

create.route = 'POST /things'
async function create(context) {
  const myThing = await context.thingFactory.createThing()
  return Object.assign(thing, {
    [Symbol.for('status')]: 201

class ThingNotFound extends Error {
  [Symbol.for('status')] = 404

create.route = 'DELETE /things/:id'
async function destroy(context) {
  try {
    await context.thingFactory.deleteThing(
    // 204 on success by returning nothing at all!
  } catch (err) {
    // Map internal application semantics to HTTP semantics:
    if (err.code === 'NO_SUCH_THING') {
      throw new ThingNotFound(`No thing by that id: ${}`) 

    throw err

# Next Steps

In this chapter, we defined the role handlers play in your application, how they are routed and dispatched, what information they receive, and how to control their output. In the next chapter, we'll cover middleware, which allows you to wrap all (or a subset of) your handlers with additional behavior -- think of them as higher-order handlers!