
Introductions to core Boltzmann concepts.

Request Handlers and Routing

7 minute read

Request handlers are a fundamental building block of Boltzmann applications. They are functions which you provide to Boltzmann to handle incoming HTTP requests.

This document will cover how to write handler functions, how to control request routing, how handler responses are interpreted, and how to control these behaviors using attributes on your exported functions.


7 minute read

Middleware allows you to intercept, modify, or add behavior to your application's request handling. You attach middleware to Boltzmann either to your application, or to individual handlers. This allows you to modify request handling for all, or a subset of, your handlers.


4 minute read

Boltzmann's defaults are good for building API servers, but it can be configured with features that give you a jumpstart with building websites. Specifically, you can build services that respond to route handlers with templated text/html responses as well as JSON responses.

Accepting input

2 minute read

Many services require user input. Input comes in the form of route parameters, query parameters, and HTTP request bodies. It's critical to enforce validation on user input, but don't worry: Boltzmann has your back!